-port of kaskinen

The port of Kaskinen is located outside of the city centre of Kaskinen, so shops, restaurants and other services are only a 3 kilometres away. Below are a few necessary addresses.

Grocery Store – Sale Kaskinen, Marianrannankatu 1

Pharmacy – Kaskisten sivuapteekki, Bladintie 35, p. 044 776 0902

Lunch restaurant – Lounasravintola Fabriikki, Herrmansintie 94

Restaurant – Sininen hetki, Satamakatu 37, p. 040 548 0171

Health center – Kaskisten terveyskeskus, Sulkukatu 11, p. 045 232 2200

There is a bus connection from Kaskinen to Närpiö (Närpes), from where there is a connection to Vaasa and to Pori.