Ports in Ostrobothnia aim to play significant role in marine wind power logistics

Marine wind power is a pivotal part of the renewable energy landscape heading into the 2030s. With Finland experiencing record growth in wind power production, attention is turning to offshore projects. Ports in Ostrobothnia are exploring collaboration to optimize logistics for wind power developers.

Finland saw a record number of wind turbines built last year, with wind power production increasing by 41%. Most of the nearly 1,400 existing wind turbines are on land, but the most significant upcoming projects concern offshore wind power. The first offshore wind farm in open sea will be built off the coast of Korsnäs municipality.

According to the survey, the best areas for wind power production are found south of the Kvarken Strait and in the central and southern parts of the Bothnian Sea. In these areas, practically in Ostrobothnia, there is already the largest concentration of land-based wind turbines, accounting for about 37% of all wind turbines in Finland.

Specialist in Wind Power Logistics through Collaboration

At least five ports are located in the Ostrobothnia region that could play a significant role in the logistics of building offshore wind power due to their location: the ports of Pietarsaari, Kannus in Uusikaarlepyy, Vaasa, Kaskinen, and Karhusaari in Kristiinankaupunki.

Offshore wind farms are massive construction projects in logistics, requiring a lot from the infrastructure of the target area, especially from ports.

“No single port is currently able to handle these large projects alone,” says Patrik Hellman, CEO of the Port of Kaskinen. “That’s why we are exploring cooperation opportunities and strategic alternatives with other ports in Ostrobothnia to serve our customers in the best possible way in the future.”

The Ostrobothnia Regional Council, together with the region’s ports, has initiated the project “Offshore Wind Power and Ports in Ostrobothnia” to examine how the region’s ports, in collaboration with ports on the eastern coast of Sweden, can best meet the demand from wind power developers and energy companies. Based on the project, a joint strategy for promoting the construction of offshore wind power in the Ostrobothnia region will be developed. Ramboll has been selected as the implementer of the project.

Ports Play a Role Throughout the Entire Lifecycle of Wind Turbines

The three-part project first assesses the situation of the ports. It compares them with other ports in the Gulf of Bothnia and the Baltic Sea, taking into account the wind power value chain and implementation needs.

In the second phase, cooperation and division of work based on the characteristics of the ports are investigated. Tailored roles can be found in the phases of wind power development, construction, operation, and maintenance, as well as decommissioning.

The third part of the survey project examines the development opportunities that offshore wind power brings to the ports and identifies industrial areas suitable for green investments, such as hydrogen economy or e-fuels. In Ostrobothnia – in the areas of Kaskinen and Vaasa, as well as further north in Raahe – several billion-dollar projects are underway that require green energy.

The ability of land infrastructure to meet the requirements set by these large-scale energy construction projects and industrial investments plays a key role. Restoration plans have already been included in the government program, and the survey provides important information to support decision-making.

“Renewable energy production in Ostrobothnia enables additional investments, emissions-free new industrialization, and above all, growth on our coast in accordance with the climate,” says Mats Brandt, regional director of the Ostrobothnia Regional Council. “By investing in our ports and strategic cooperation, we can ensure that future major investments leave a mark on the region’s added value and employment.”

“Investment plans and decisions will be made only after we know the outcome of the strategic survey,” clarifies Patrik Hellman. “It’s important to remember that Kaskinen is also planning Europe’s largest cardboard mill project, which currently takes priority. However, the development of the port is not solely for one activity. Port development is a whole, always taking into account possible future scenarios.”

For more information:
Mats Brandt, Regional Director, Ostrobothnia Regional Council
+358 44 4934576

Patrik Hellman, CEO, Oy Kaskisten satama – Kaskö Hamn Ab
+358 50 3430 676